Sunday, March 29, 2009

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13

It is an awesome thing to experience the presence of the Holy Spirit in our hearts and abounding in our lives! I have been walking more closely to Him these days and throughout each day, I sense Him, hear Him and completely KNOW that through the person of the Holy Spirit, the very God who formed me, is abiding within my heart; guiding, keeping and loving me! I have SO FAR to go, but it is so sweet to experience more and more of God in my life each day!

If you do not intimately know God, through the redeeming Savior and Lord Jesus, the Messiah, I would encourage you to SEEK God. Scripture says that God will draw near to those who seek Him and to those who come near to Him. “Come near to God and He will come near to you….” James 4:8a Many years ago I experienced this very precept worked out in my life. I didn’t quite have the whole person of God figured out, nor was I even fully aware of how much He loved me or what He did for me, but I called out to Him and He sure drew near to me, revealing to me all I needed to know! I learned about my need for a Savior and I eventually met Jesus, The One who gave His life to set me free from the bondage of sin. God continues to teach and mold me through the power and presence of the Holy Spirit. (There is SO MUCH to learn!!!)

The Holy Spirit IS GOD, in Spirit, living and dwelling within the heart of every person under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. I believe that the Holy Spirit can be experienced in small or large doses…all dependent upon our willingness to surrender and allow God to have His way in our lives! The person of God and the power of the Holy Spirit HAS NOT CHANGED since the beginning of time (and before that!). So why aren’t we Christians living lives even remotely similar to the New Testament Christians about whom we read in the Bible? Have you ever asked yourself if, say Paul or Peter were to observe your life, would they recognize you as a Christian? And even more, would they see the Holy Spirit ALIVE and fully at work within you?

I have often wondered if Christians aren’t experiencing the power of the Holy Spirit because they are “afraid” of what God may do in their lives! I remember the occasion when I came to realize the magnitude of what God is waiting to do for and in His Kingdom through us! It is a humbling and yet awesome thing to know that God needs us to work out His plan and He is waiting for us to let Him move! How diligently are you (and I) involved in the work of God’s plan? Are we truly doing the work that HE directed us to do, not so much the work that we decide and chose to do?

I write to encourage you to talk with God. If you are not trusting in and experiencing the POWER and PRESENCE of the Holy Spirit in your life dig deeply into the well of God’s refreshment! Get to know God through reading the Bible, His Word. When I first read the Bible through in it’s entirety, my spiritual walk was revolutionized! A person can’t help to know God better by spending more time with Him and learning more about who He is!

I am rejoicing today in the Presence of the Holy Spirit. I am sure that the Holy Spirit has put forth these words for MY BENEFIT as well as for any reader who stumbles upon this writing. I sorely fall short of allowing God to have FULL CONTROL of my life. I SAY that I have completely surrendered to the Lord (and I MEAN IT in my heart) but… when “the rubber meets the road” I fall short of trusting solely in God to do all things in me and through me. Too often, as I examine my life in the light of Jesus Christ, well…you know the scenario. I end up catering to my ‘flesh’; allowing ‘Lindy’ to live her life as SHE wants to do!

Every person is at a different place in his or her walk with Christ. I am not suggesting that every word that I write is what the Holy Spirit is saying TO YOU today. I’m simply sharing with you what the Holy Spirit is saying to me and FOR ME! If any of this writing is used by the Holy Spirit in your life, praise God! My heart is overflowing today with the Presence of the Holy Spirit and it is an awesome thing that I wanted to share!

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