Friday, January 22, 2010

I've been reading and studying about Elisha, the prophet, for the last few days.

Today I wondered just how likely or 'ordinary' it was for Elisha to have been used by God in so many amazing miracles. I wondered if Elisha was, himself, amazed to see God's mighty power displayed through his life, or if Elisha was so immersed in the nature and character of God, that to see God's miracles in action simply seemd like 'second nature'? As I meditated, I was pretty sure it was the latter, and if so, I wanted to review just HOW it was that Elisha had become so immersed and consumed in the love of and service to God?

I know that Elisha walked with Elijah for some time, surely watching, learning and growing in his faith and dependence on God. Being partnered with a bold and secure person of God definitely is a support for our Christian walk. When we doubt, stray or feel discouraged, a kind word, an encouraging hug or perhaps even a good 'kick in the pants' is what we can expect from a devoted and loving brother or sister in Christ. The sincere encouragement of a fellow Believer boosts our faith and helps to better enable us to walk faithfully and lovingly as we serve God and preach His Truth and the Hope of the Gospel. Observing the ways of a strong Christian gives us practical examples to better love and serve God and our fellow man. Experiencing the teaching and exposition from a mature Christian mentor or engaging in discussions on spiritual Truth with another Believer also helps us develop deep spiritual roots and to grow strong in our faith.

I realized that the word FAITH is key! It was the FAITH of both Elijah and Elisha through which God was able to work His power into the lives of the nation of Israel and beyond! As I read again the book of Hebrews, I was struck by two words, spoken again and again, to convey that very truth; "By Faith..." (And on goes the account of the saints of old, as recorded in the book of Hebrews, who were used by God in so many powerful ways!) Another scripture that I had recorded just a few days ago as I was reading the account of Elijah was 1 Kings 18:41 (NKJV)
"Then Elijah said to Ahab,
"Go up, eat and drink;
for there is the sound of abundance of rain".

When I wrote that passage a few days ago, I didn't realize what it's significance would be to me, until TODAY, when the Holy Spirit connected that scripture with the Truth I was learning! WOW...what FAITH Elijah had to make such a statement, and that was after 3 and 1/2 years of continuous drought!

In the book of Matthew, scripture recounts Jesus speaking to His disciples, saying, "If you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ' move from here to there', and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you."

Oh, to have the faith like the saints of old, even those in more recent years as such giants of Christian faith as George Mueller or D.L. Moody and many others! Oh to be used of God and seen by HIM as being a fit vessel through which to carry out the work of His kingdom!

I resolve this day to not SHIRK or COWER when trials come my way or when hardships bring me down with discouragement! These are but the building blocks of our Christian faith....the very substance upon which God works and moves! I will say to the mountain, "move" and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for God!

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