Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I've had a familiar hymn in my mind the last two mornings when I woke up. Amazing how I was able to recall the lyrics perfectly!

I am very thankful that I was raised in the church and in a Christian home. I heard those wonderful words of hymns over and over again at church, Sunday School and at the dinner table! Many, many hymns permeated my mind over the years; their words and music have been a great comfort, encouragement and blessing to me since! (I didn't care for it much back then, but now, I can say, "Thanks, Dad, for all those supper hours and Sunday mornings with George Beverly Shea!")

"O God, Our Help In Ages Past"
O God, our HELP in ages past,
Our HOPE for years to come.
Our SHELTER from the storming blast,

O God, our HELP in ages past,
Our HOPE for years to come.
Be Thou our GUIDE while life shall last,

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