Thursday, April 16, 2009

I was reading Romans 12 today. this is a FULL chapter of 'how to' live a life that pleases God!

Verse 2 tells me to NOT be conformed to this world, but be transformed, by the renewing of my that I will know the will of God. I asked God just what that meant....for me. How do I "renew my mind"? God revealed that it is the power of the Holy Spirit, at work within me who does the RENEWING, REGENERATING and REFRESHING! When I allow the Holy Spirit to renew my mind and CHANGE ME, from the inside out...the result is a transformed life that looks totally FOREIGN to the 'world'.

As a follower of Christ, I am well aware of the fact that many view me as a 'weirdo', a strange bird, a fool or whatever term they may chose to use! Rightly so, from their perspective: I purposely avoid most forms of entertainment (simply for entertainment's sake), I speak in a manner that is unfamiliar, even offensive, to most people (mentioning the name of Jesus in many sentences and discussions), I cover my hair/head during weekly, corporate worship (as well as occasionally in private prayer times), I value the things that have eternal significance more than those things that are temporal....and so much more. Lately He is even speaking to me regarding modesty and my outward appearance...not an area I am looking forward to altering, so that is a SLOW transformation! YET, though I am called 'crazy' or 'out of touch', I have confidence that my Creator and King is pleased with many of my choices. Of course, I fall short of how I would like to live...100% of the time....but I can rest knowing that I am growing and learning and sinking my roots of faith deeper every day. I have come to understand and accept that it is OK to NOT conform to the world. I continue to pray daily for a new and fresh filling of the Holy Spirit, (a renewing of my mind) to teach and train and guide me in the ways that will please my Lord.

For anyone who may want to refute my thoughts in this blog post, please understand that I recognize that one's faith walk is about knowing and loving Christ....not solely about external signs. I would hate for anyone to misinterpret this post and think I am promoting a 'salvation by works' message. Not so...I am speaking of the process of sanctification. The change that continues within AND without in the life of a follower of Christ.

I am interested in ways that YOU have been transformed and what verse 2 of Romans 12 means to you, personally? Has the Holy Spirit spoken to you in specific ways as to various measures to use to keep you 'pure' from the world or set apart...for His will and purposes?

It's a thrilling walk....yet the road seems narrower as I continue with Him. What about you?

1 comment:

John Payne said...

Well said, well written. Amen dear sister. God bless you!