Sunday, January 24, 2010

What a neat blessing I experienced today!

Allow me to share some background details about a situation in the life of a sister in Christ who attends church with me. Don't panic...this information isn't anything confidential, so please know that I am sharing the information to convey an amazing testimony of God's mighty power!

My friend, Lisanne, recently booked a flight to visit extended family in Norway. This, in itself, may not seem to be a God-ordained occurrence, but what is incredible is that prior to even knowing of an opportunity to visit Norway, my friend, nearly 6 months prior, had submitted a request to take her two week vacation from work during the coming weeks of January 31 - February 14, 2010.

Lisanne's mother passed away earlier in this past year and I learned today that the death of her mother now leaves my friend all alone in the United States with all of her extended family living in Norway. Turns out, my friend's mother and her brother (Lisanne's uncle) had been separated during World War II and though attempts were made to reconnect the family over the years following the war, it was not until 2004 that my friend was finally able to gain definitive information about her mother's family in Norway. Following the death of her mother, Lisanne continued communication with her extended family via phone and Internet. What is very exciting is that as a birthday gift to Lisanne's "Uncle Olaf" (in Norway), Lisanne's extended family offered to fly their 'long lost relative', my friend Lisanne, to Norway to meet Uncle Olaf in person! What a treat this will be for Lisanne AND for Uncle Olaf! This visit will provide a sense of closure in the midst of continued grieving, as well as offer a new beginning for this family! Now....take a guess when "Uncle Olaf" will be celebrating his birthday? You got it....smack in the middle of the two week period that my friend had requested for her vacation time over six months ago! Only GOD could have arranged such a perfect scenario for my friend!

Following is the account of the neat blessing I enjoyed after church today:

After worship, following a nice time of conversation over a cup of coffee with a sister in Christ, I was heading out the door to depart for home when my friend, Lisanne, who had been working in the computer room at church, came hurriedly running toward us asking for prayer! As we chatted, I began to piece together the incredible God-ordained details of Lisanne's unique situation!

It turns out that Lisanne had just learned that the car service she had planned to use to transport her to the airport next Sunday (for her flight to Norway) had increased their rates from $120.00 round trip to $420.00 round trip! My friend was shocked and devastated to learn of this hefty price hike and began to panic, fearing that her planned trip might be effected!

Interestingly, I have another friend who recently suffered an injury at work that forced him to be out of work for an extended period of time. Wouldn't you know, this friend's profession is that of a limo. driver! I quickly conveyed my friend's unemployment situation to Lisanne and suggested that, though injured, he may be available to drive her to the airport. One quick phone call and VIOLA all was arranged for my friend Lisanne to be transported to the airport next week! On top of it all, this occasion to drive my friend to the airport will provide an excellent opportunity for conversation and ministry for the three of us....each of us being part of God's big family!

I am always blown away when I see first-hand how PERFECTLY God moves in the lives of His children! Our lives are like a huge jigsaw puzzle, with every piece fitting perfectly in place, all at the hand of God! I am so blessed to be able to have friends who are also walking in the Light of Christ, seeking His will and ways.

It's a joy to be part of God's family!

1 comment:

John Payne said...

HE always works things out beautifully for His glory and we are so often the recipients of the associated blessings that fall out from it! Hallelujah!!