Sunday, February 28, 2010


Today is the last day of February, and oh, how I love the beginning of a new month!

I'm not sure just what it is, but for many years I have been known to get excited at the dawn of a new year, new season and even a new month! It must have to do with the anticipation and hope of what is to come. You know, sort of "out with the old and in with the new"! I always thrill at the prospect of a "new beginning" and I find hope in the reality that every day is new!

Many years ago, when I placed my trust in Christ, I was graciously given a NEW BEGINNING. As scripture teaches, I was born again; spiritually reborn, this time! Perhaps the sheer gratitude of that wonderful gift from God has caused me to be even more profoundly aware of the many "new beginnings" we experience on a daily basis.

It may be a bit 'simple-minded', that I get so excited as each month, season or even a new day unfolds, but it is a helpful example that serves as a reminder of what Christ did for me on the cross of Calvary. Christ has given me a new beginning, a fresh start, a new life and the promise and Hope of life eternal with Him! Jesus restored my relationship with God, my Father!

There is no onset of any season, month or day that can ever compare to the onset of my new life in Christ, but I will continue to embrace these small reminders of new beginnings as I enjoy the onset of each new month!

Happy March 1, 2010!

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