Monday, June 14, 2010


I woke at 6 am with a migraine headache (which has been common since my arrival in Maine). After my healing routine of a heating pad over my eyes and an “Excedrin Migraine”, I had some prayer time and exercises in bed. I then rose and began some idle tasks around my cabin; making a cup of tea, starting a load of laundry, folding a load of clothes from last night and just general ‘puttering’.

I then sat down with my tea and began to think about the day that lay ahead. Because today is the first day that the summer nannies will be working with my young charges, I knew it was timely to establish a daily routine for the kids…and the new summer nannies! One thing I wanted to accomplish this summer was to establish some new morning tasks for my charges to do in their new home; tasks that need to be completed before they head out for the activities of the day. I selected some very DOABLE tasks for each child and recorded these on 3x5 cards so everyone involved in the care of the children would be aware of this new plan.

I next moved my portable radio so I could better tune in a Christian radio station and then, taking notes and reading along, I listened to a message by Dr. David Jeremiah. Following this message, I began a quiet time of reflection and study for the morning. Beginning with prayer, I asked God to speak TO ME through His Holy Spirit and through His word. While I love to hear sermons and teaching and know that God speaks through many men of God, today I was especially longing for “fresh manna”, given personally to me, straight from the heart of God!

After prayer I turned to the page in my Bible where I had last stopped my daily reading. 2 Chronicles, chapter 4, is a somewhat tedious portion of scripture that describes the intricate furnishings of Solomon’s temple, and admittedly, I seriously questioned God, wondering WHAT He could possibly teach me, from these passages, that was relevant to my life TODAY? As I read this morning, I found myself doing some background research into the actual measurements that were described in this portion of scripture, and overall, as I read, I simply absorbed the text for what it was; not using my intellect to ‘read anything into’ the passages. I know that true, ‘fresh manna’ comes ONLY from the Holy Spirit, and not from any human efforts or work. As I always do, I scribbled some notes and even drew some pictures as I read scripture. I meditated as I read and studied.

I had only finished one chapter when the Holy Spirit started to teach me and give me a lesson for this day! As I read, I marveled at how intricately, completely and PERFECTLY God had planned and designed the structure that was to be His Holy temple. Every detail was given to Solomon and every timber, every piece of gold or silver, every laborer and every instruction was provided for by God! When God creates, there is always ORDER and PEACE and PERFECTION! By following every instruction that God gave, Solomon was assured to attain not only success, but also peace, ease, unity, order and joy!

This morning I was reminded that this same Godly principle applies to my young charges and their family life! As I had previously, this very morning, prayed about and established the new “work” responsibilities that each of my charges will have during the summer at camp, I now saw plainly how I should correlate the initiation of these new morning tasks for my charges with this profound Truth of God!

God’s plans are prefect and there is PURPOSE in what He ordains. The same applies to the new tasks the children will undertake. The tasks were created (by me) with a definite purpose; to insure ORDER, PEACE, HARMONY and JOY in the household. While each child will be following my instructions and accomplishing their task, they will be helping to create “success” or “health” in the household. As Solomon saw the incredible outcome of God’s instructions (the finished Temple of God), my charges, also, will be contributing to the well-being of the family and GOOD STUFF will be the outcome! PEACE, ORDER, EASE and even there just MAY be a reward at the end of the day in the form of an evening or bedtime treat if the jobs are done in a satisfactory manner!

“THANK YOU, God, for faithfully teaching me and speaking to me through your Word and your Holy Spirit this morning! I pray for additional wisdom as I teach YOUR PRINCIPLES to my charges today in a very practical ‘life lesson’. May YOU be glorified in my life.” AMEN

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lindy, I truly appreciate what flows from your heart onto your blog. Best wishes to you and your "little ones" as you enjoy the lazy, hazy days of summer in Maine. God is Good! His mercies endure forever! ...sandy